15th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2017)

Open University Research Sessions in 2017 (OURS 2017) was organized by the Senate Sub- Committee of OUSL on OURS 2017 chaired by Prof. G.W.A.R. Fernando, the Chairman of the Sub- Committee and the Director/ Research.

The Chief Guest for the inaugural sessions was Prof Sarath Kotagama, Senior Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Colombo who gave the key note address while the Guest of Honour was Dr. Chandra Embuldeniya, the former Vice- Chancellor, Uva Wellassa University. The activities of OURS 2017 commenced on the 17th November 2017 with the inauguration at 9.00 a.m. in the Conference Hall of the University.

14th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2016)

The OURS 2016 was commenced on Thursday 17th November with the inauguration at 9.00 a.m. and continue until 18th November 2016 at the Open University premises. This volume contains the abstracts that were accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings. In addition to this publication, the authors will be provided with a compact disc containing the extended abstracts accepted for presentation.

Chancellor of OUSL, Prof. Colvin Goonaratna is gracing this occasion as our Chief Guest. We are indeed happy and honoured by his presence.

13th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2015)

The 13th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL was held at the Open University of Sri Lanka on 19th and 20th November 2015. It was organized by Senate Sub-Committee of OUSL Chaired by Prof. G. M. Kamal Bandara Gunaherath (Chairman, Senate Sub-Committee on Annual Academic Sessions 2015).

12th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2014)

The extended abstracts published in the Proceedings of the Academic Sessions 2014 are the work of researchers from both within and outside the Open University. This year, 130 extended abstracts were received, of which 90 research papers were accepted for presentation, after a peer review process. As in previous years, the papers presented in this year’s Academic Sessions include Open and Distance Learning (ODL) studies as well as research and development in a wide variety of contemporary topics relating to Natural Sciences, Engineering, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences.

11th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2013)

These Sessions will take place in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Open University of Sri Lanka on 27th and 28th November 2013.

This year we received 154 abstracts for review, of which 111 were accepted for presentation. Approximately one third were from researchers outside the Open University and in addition, a significant number of abstracts reflected collaborative research among academics from both within and outside the Open University.