22nd Research Conference of OUSL (2024)

The International Research Conference of the Open University of Sri Lanka (IRC-OUSL) is an important annual event of the Open University of Sri Lanka. This year IRC-OUSL 2024 was held on 07th and 08th November 2024 as a hybrid conference with the objective of bringing local and international researchers on a single platform.

19th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2021) ONLINE

Open University Research Sessions 2020 (OURS 2020) is an annual event conducted by OUSL. This year made this event even more special and memorable as it was hosted as a fully online conference.

Originally, OURS 2020 was planned as a face-to-face conference to be held at the OUSL main campus in Nawala. However, due to the current health situation and the health guidelines issued by the state for Covid 19, the conference was moved to a fully online platform making a historic event in OUSL’s 40th year of service to the nation. For OURS 2020 the online platform was Zoom.

18th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2020) ONLINE

Open University Research Sessions 2020 (OURS 2020) is an annual event conducted by OUSL. This year made this event even more special and memorable as it was hosted as a fully online conference.

Originally, OURS 2020 was planned as a face-to-face conference to be held at the OUSL main campus in Nawala. However, due to the current health situation and the health guidelines issued by the state for Covid 19, the conference was moved to a fully online platform making a historic event in OUSL’s 40th year of service to the nation. For OURS 2020 the online platform was Zoom.

17th Annual Academic Sessions of OUSL (2019)

Open University Research Sessions in 2019 (OURS 2019) was organized by the Senate Sub-Committee for OURS 2019 chaired by Prof. S.R. Weerakoon, the Chairperson of the Senate Sub-Committee and the Director/ Research.
The Chief Guest for the inaugural sessions was Prof. B.A Hussainmiya, Professor in History who delivered the key note address while the Guest of Honor was Prof. Colvin Goonaratna, the Chancellor, Open University of Sri Lanka. The activities of OURS 2019 commenced on the 30th October 2019 with the inauguration at 9.00 a.m. in the Conference Hall of OUSL. The presentation on “Challenges and Prospects for Higher Education for all” by Prof. B.A Hussainmiya was well received by the audience. Prof. Suresh Canagarajah presented a keynote speech on “Writing on the Wall: Limits of Identity Politics and Multiculturalism” and Dr. Ruwan Ferdinando presented a keynote speech on “From advising towards empathizing: Improving communication skills of health professionals” Both presentations were also well received by the audience.